The MLSE Launchpad is Empowering Youth Through Sports and Recreation
The MLSE Launchpad is a community facility located in Toronto's Moss Park neighbourhood that provides a safe, inclusive space for youth and young adult development through sports and recreation programming. With over 50 programs offered each week, the facility offers a wide range of activities, including sports, employment initiatives, and other life skills training. The goal is to empower young people in the community by providing them with the tools they need to succeed in all aspects of their lives.

Everything a Community needs to Thrive – Under one Roof
New Waterford Hub aims to tackle the social determinants of health, by bringing a tailored mix of services together in a single building

BC Transit Central Administration Facility: A Model of Inclusive Design and Employee Wellbeing
BC Transit is the primary public transportation provider for British Columbia, providing service to more than 57 million riders each year across small towns and large urban centres. Servicing BC Transit, is the newly renovated Central Administration Facility. The most striking component of the project was upgrading the space to become almost universally accessible. Other goals of the renovation including improved workspaces, greater technological reliability, and safety/wellness were also successfully achieved.

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