The Municipality of the County of Cumberland initiated this project to advance the existing Pugwash Waterfront Improvement Concept. The A49 Landscape Architecture team worked as part of an interdisciplinary project team to move the design forward - and was specifically responsible for public spaces and the open space network linking proposed community features such as a library and multi-purpose centre, open air performance stage, and marina. Our team also crafted a wayfinding strategy for vehicular and pedestrian traffic and selected a palette of materials and furnishings to be applied through the various phases of the project. A key consideration of the master plan was the integration of the proposed library and multi-purpose building into the larger waterfront master plan in a way that ensured the waterfront experience would be more than the sum of its parts.
The project successfully integrated the various goals and disciplines into a cohesive, beautiful, and functional master plan for the future development of the Pugwash waterfront. The final master plan strikes a successful balance between providing enough detail to spark imaginations, while also providing enough flexibility to accommodate changing ideas over time as funding becomes available.