August 11, 2023

Congratulating Stephen Propst on 50 Years of Service
Celebrating 50 years of service with a company is a feat that few can claim, but Stephen Propst has achieved this milestone. The company name has changed over those years, but throughout Stephen has continued, even working with some of the same clients for a majority of his tenure.
This loyalty stands out to those who have worked with him and is no doubt a result Stephen’s positive disposition and his commitment to building trusting and lasting relationships with his clients and team members. “Stephen is a gentleman, known as being very kind, and approachable and is a sought after team member to work with,” says fellow principal Albert Paquette.
While Stephen prefers to discuss his projects, colleagues speak more about his leadership skills. Andrew Miedzik makes note of Stephen’s qualities not only as a professional but personally as well. He credits Stephen with creating a positive internal atmosphere in his offices, bolstering his teams during tough times, and generating comradery, fostering the relationship between teamwork and people.
Over the years Stephen has worked with architects at varying stages in their careers, acting as a mentor to A49’ers like Robert Eland. Robert mentions that Stephen was one of the first architects he worked with, setting a good example to look up to. Being highly focused and knowledgeable has led to a career that has national impact. “He’s had a really interesting career, - one that is a great example of how to contribute architecturally to the local community as well as across the country,” says Robert.
What also stands out when speaking to colleagues, is Stephen’s ability to have fun in his career. “If it wasn’t fun, I don’t think that I would have done it for so long,” Stephen admits. “I’ve enjoyed the people and the projects.” He makes mention of all the good people who have come along with him on the journey and working for firms that show interest in mentoring younger people and doing the right thing.
Coming up on his 80th birthday, Stephen admits that he is going to retire soon. The coming years will be filled with golf, hiking, sports and of course, his family. He and his wife of 53 years have two children and four grandchildren. Stephen mentions how fast time has gone by and says, “take every day for what it is worth. Day by day. And hope it is good.”
Congratulations on 50 years, Stephen. Cheers to the good days to come.