June 14, 2021
As a Principal with A49 in Halifax, Ron is a champion of architecture in its broadest, most wonderful sense. He lives not just for the details, but also for the big ideas and thoughtful concepts. Ron specializes in cultural and interpretive projects – not surprising given that he is a confessed gallery and museum junkie and a former museum interpreter and registrar's assistant.
Ron is one of Atlantic Canada's most accomplished designers and was an early advocate of green building design. His award-winning, LEED Gold Joggins Fossil Centre has been published internationally and continues to inspire visitors. His ability to capture a "sense of place" is evident on other award-winning projects including the International Arrivals Hall at Halifax International Airport and Juno Tower at CFB Halifax. More recently, Ron’s work has included restoration work for Halifax’s beloved Bandstand at Halifax Public Gardens and the Town Clock on Citadel Hill, and Perkins House in Liverpool NS. In 2020, Ron led A49’s pursuit of a new Art Gallery of Nova Scotia where the team was one of three finalists in an international design competition. During this time, he cultivated new relationships for A49 with prestigious firms such as Diller Scofidio and Renfro and UNStudio.
Ron is also dedicated to community engagement and sharing his passion for architecture. He has been active with the NSAA for several years, serving as President from 2010-2012 and has been Vice President of the NSAA Legacy Society from 2017 to 2021. He has been a regular participant in Dalhousie's School of Architecture design crits and is a member of A49’s National Practice Committee for Design. Ron was made a member of the RAIC College of Fellows in 2014.