March 8, 2024

When Bozena left the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw Polytechnic for a visit to Canada over 40 years ago, the plan was to stay for only a couple of months. However, political developments in Poland led her to extend her stay. After a short adaptation she began her career with what is now A49. Bozena’s sense of design backed by strong freehand skills quickly made her an asset during presentation and design development stages. For the next couple of years, she helped design many upscale hospitality and residential projects overseas in India, UAE, Oman, and Pakistan. Working on site with local architects and contractors, in direct contact with local cultures deepened her passion for interior design. She particularly enjoyed the opportunity to cooperate with local manufacturers in development of custom furniture and fabrics for her projects.
In the following years this overseas experience kept shaping Bozena’s approach to many prestigious projects closer to her Montreal home. Recently she made significant contributions to the West Block project and currently continues to work on Parliament Hill as the lead interior designer for the Center Block. “I was fortunate in my career to work on large variety of projects in many different environments and with extremely talented people,” Bozena says. “The unique challenges that each project presented and the opportunity to learn from the expertise of my coworkers and various consultants is basically what keeps me happy and energized.”
According to her long-time colleagues, Bozena’s talent and attitude is something to be admired. “Working with her is an amazing experience,” says James Bridger. “She is committed and passionate about the quality of design. She’s efficient, detailed and loves great architecture.” James goes on to say that Bozena is known for getting the most out of a project, leading by example and speaking up when she believes in an idea. Gregory Manley adds that Bozena is, “so even keeled. She’s a rock in the organization. You can always count on her to get stuff done and is a terrific mentor to the younger staff.” The consensus amongst her colleagues being that while somewhat quiet and reserved, still waters run deep.
When asked for advice Bozena says “follow the passion. If you really know what you want to do, you will succeed. Don’t give up and follow your passion.” That’s what she tells her two daughters as well. This attitude has served Bozena well for a 40-year career and will continue to do so as she isn’t ready to slow down yet. Recently her passion for architecture found additional outlet – she renovates with her husband (also an architect) the heritage log house in which they live.